EDU-TALK Diabetes Library

Causes and Care ofType 2 Diabete with Michael Shea

Listen and learn as Michael explores Type Two Diabetes (T2D) as a Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolically hyperinsulinemia driving T2D is caused from excessive carbohydrate intake. Mi...
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Daily Habits to Aid Remission of Type 2 Diabetes with Micayla Dollinger

Remission for Type 2 Diabetes patients is not always possible, but for many it is. Micayla shares lifestyle habits and skills to help anyone manage their diabetes, whether remis...
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Reverse Type II Diabetes without Fancy Diets, Starving or Exhausting Exercises with Dr. Spages

Learn the proven strategies to effectively reverse Type II Diabetes without resorting to elaborate diets, starvation, or strenuous exercise regimens. Discover sustainable, scien...
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Good FAT Bad FAT Knowledge for Diabetic Health and Awareness with Linda Lockett Brown

Here’s the question: Is fat good or bad? Listen and Learn as Linda explains… The answer is: it depends! The Keto, Paleo and Carnivore folks say eat as much as you want! The Amer...
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Dialysis and Kidney Transplants – Does Massage Therapy Have a Role for your Diabetic Clients?

Listen and Learn as Ruth discusses the issue of dialysis and its effect on diabetic clients. Dialysis is the external filtering of blood when kidneys decline. She’ll share the “...
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Massage Therapy Considerations for Diabetes Clients and Patients with Wendi White

What can you do and must do differently, for your Diabetic massage clients? Massage and bodywork is an important component in keeping muscles, tendons, and ligaments from becomi...
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